Privacy Policy

Scope and Consent

This Privacy Notice describes:

  • the personal information we collect and how we use that information
  • when we might disclose your personal information; and
  • how we keep and protect your personal information.

The Privacy Notice applies to this Site and to any applications, services or tools (collectively “Services”) where this Privacy Notice is referenced. By using our Services and/or registering for an account, you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Notice and our terms of use.

CoolWheels is responsible for the collection, use, disclosure, retention and protection of your personal information under our global privacy standards and applicable national laws. Coolwheels may transfer data to Related Companies as described in this Privacy Notice who may process and keep your personal information on servers in the European Union, United States and elsewhere in the world where our data centres are located. Where we disclose your information to Related Companies located overseas your information is protected by our global privacy standards called Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs). Where we disclose your information to other third parties that are located overseas, or where your information is held in our overseas servers, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is protected in accordance with law. What is Personal information? “Personal information” is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, either from the information directly or from that information combined with other information that we have, or are likely to have, access to. Personal information doesn’t include de-identified, anonymous or aggregated information that can no longer be used to identify a specific person. Public Information? Public information is any information, including personal information, you share with a public audience, including personal information you publish on our Site. Public information is available to anyone on or off our Services and can be seen or accessed through online search engines, APIs, and offline media, such as on TV. Changes to this Privacy Notice We can change this Privacy Notice at any time by posting the updated terms to the Site. The updated terms automatically take effect 14 days after they are posted. We may announce any changes to this Privacy Notice on our Site and/or via email if we believe they are material.


We collect, process and retain personal information from you and any devices (including mobile devices) you use when you: register for an account with us, use our Services, give us information on a web form, update or add information to your account, join community discussions, chats or dispute resolution or when you otherwise contact us.

We collect information you give us including:

  • When you register for an account: Information such as your name, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses or user ID (where applicable) when you register for an account with us
  • When we verify you or your account: we may collect and process information (as permitted by law) to authenticate you or your account, or to verify the information that you provided to us
  • When you transact on or use our Services: such as when you post an ad, reply to an ad, communicate with us or other users, information you provide for the Services that you use or during a transaction or other transaction-based content. We may also collect your financial information (such as credit card or bank account numbers) if you buy a feature from us or are required to pay fees to us
  • When you engage with our community: such as when you submit a web form or participate in community discussions or chats
  • When you interact with your account: such as updating or adding information to your account, adding items to alerts lists and saving searches. Sometimes you may also give us your age, gender, interests and favourites
  • When you contact us: such as through a web form, chat or dispute resolution or when we otherwise communicate with each other. We may also record our calls with you (if we have your consent to do so).

We collect information automatically including:

  • Information from the devices you use when interacting with us or our Services such as device ID or unique user ID, device type, ID for advertising and unique device token
  • Information about your location such as geo-location.
    Google Maps: we display a dealer’s business address on a map (Google Maps) in respective dealer’s listings. For this purpose, we transmit the address data to external service providers such as Google Ireland Limited for the use of Google Maps (please refer to Google’s Privacy Notice). If a dealer does not want their location details to be shown on a map in their respective listings, they can contact CoolWheels customer service at any time on 1300 266594.
  • Computer and connection information such as statistics on your page views, traffic to and from the sites, referral URL, ad data, your IP address, your browsing history and your web log information.

Your resume if you choose to submit it to advertisers on our site for consideration, we collect information automatically including:

  • Information from the devices you use when interacting with us or our Services such as device ID or unique user ID, device type, ID for advertising and unique device token
  • Information about your location such as geo-location
  • Computer and connection information such as statistics on your page views, traffic to and from the sites, referral URL, ad data, your IP address, your browsing history and your web log information

We collect information using cookies, web beacons and similar technologies including:

Information about the pages you view, the links you click and other actions you take on our Services, or within our advertising or email content. For more information about our use of these technologies and how to control them, see our notice on cookies, web beacons amongst others.

Information we collect from other sources including:

  • Information we get from our Related Companies which we use in order to provide you with value-added services as well as market our Services to you which may be of interest to you, for instance, where we may be able to offer you services that you appear interested in but are not available from our Related Companies. We may also use your personal information that we have collected from our Related Companies in order to manage your account, run internal analytics and develop business strategies across our associated brands
  • Information we get from third parties which we may use to supplement your account information. For example, we may collect and use demographic information that is publicly available, additional contact information, credit check information and information from credit bureaus, as allowed by applicable national laws
  • Information we get from third parties which we may use to supplement your account information. For example, we may collect and use demographic information that is publicly available, additional contact information, credit check information and information from credit bureaus, as allowed by applicable national laws
  • Information other users may provide about you. If another user gives us information about you, they must tell you about our collection, use, disclosure and retention policies before giving us the information. They must also get your explicit consent before giving us your information

Use and Retention

We use your personal information to provide, improve and personalise our Services

Your personal information allows us to:

  • Provide you with access to and use of our Services as well as access to your history, internal messages and other features we may provide
  • Offer you site content that includes items and services that you may like
  • Provide you with credit offers and opportunities on behalf of our Related Companies and their financial institution partners. However, we don’t share financial information without your explicit consent
  • Customise, measure and improve our Services and those of our Related Companies
  • Provide other services requested by you as described when we collect the information, including those of our Related Companies if applicable
  • To provide you with location-based services (such as advertising, search results and other personalised content)

We use your personal information to contact you about your account:

We may contact you via My Messages, email, telephone, SMS messages or postal mail:

  • To give you customer support about your account such as to troubleshoot problems, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or monies owed to us, or to get your opinion through surveys
  • For other reasons such as to enforce our Terms of use or policies and any other agreement we may have with you

We use your personal information to personalise our advertising and marketing, including to:

  • Personalise, measure and improve our advertising and that of our Related Companies
  • Contact you, either via email, telephone, SMS text messages or postal mail to offer you discounts and special promotions and to let you know about our Services and those of our Related Companies (if you have consented to this contact). Message and data rates may apply
  • Deliver targeted marketing, service updates and promotional offers, including in relation to our Related Companies

We use your personal information for legal compliance reasons, including to:

  • Prevent, detect, mitigate and investigate fraud, security breaches, potentially prohibited or illegal activities
  • Enforce our Privacy Notice, our terms of use or other policies

Retention of personal information:

If your account is active, we will keep your personal information as long as we need it for our operations. We may also keep personal information from closed accounts to comply with national laws, stop fraud, collect fees owed, assist with any investigation, enforce our terms of use and take other actions under applicable national laws. If we no longer need your personal information, we securely dispose of it.


You choose how we use your personal information to communicate with you.

Marketing Communications. If you don’t want to receive marketing communications from us, you can unsubscribe via the link in the email you received.
Push Notifications. Upon download of certain Services, you are provided the option to opt into receiving push notifications from CoolWheels on your device and within the application. We send you push notifications from time-to-time to (a) inform you of Service-related messages, (b) communicate messages from others in the CoolWheels community and (c) update you about any events or promotions that we or our Related Companies may be running. If you no longer wish to receive notifications from us, you can, where applicable, change your preferences by logging into your account or by disabling notifications in your device settings. To ensure you receive proper notifications, we will need to collect certain information about your device such as operating system and user identification information.


You can access and correct your personal information.

  • You can see, review and change your personal information by signing in to your account. Please update your personal information immediately if it changes or is inaccurate.
  • Once you make a public posting, you may not be able to change or remove it. If you ask us to, we will close your account and remove your personal information from view as soon as reasonably possible, based on your account activity and as required under applicable national laws.

We will honour your right to request access to, or modification or deletion of, your personal information. We may have the right to withhold that access or refuse to modify or erase your personal information under applicable national laws, but we will give you reasons if we do so. To contact us about access and to find out if any fees apply, please contact our office by using the contact details above.


We may share your personal information with Related Companies and third parties to provide you with our Services, to comply with the law, to enforce our policies, to enable our marketing and advertising activities and those of our Related Companies, or to prevent, detect, mitigate and investigate fraud or other illegal activities.

We only share your personal information with our Related Companies to market and advertise their products and services which we believe will be of interest to you.

We don’t give your personal information to other third parties for their marketing and advertising purposes unless you give us permission.

We may disclose your information to law enforcement and other parties in connection with the law, including:

  • law enforcement or governmental agencies, or authorised third-parties, in response to a verified request regarding a criminal investigation, alleged or suspected illegal activity, or any other activity that may expose us, you or any of our users to legal risk
  • credit agencies or bureaus as authorised by applicable national laws
  • third parties commencing, or involved in, a legal proceeding if they provide us with a subpoena, court order or similar legal document
  • other third parties to comply with our legal requirements, enforce our Terms of Use , respond to claims that a listing or other content violates the rights of others, or if we otherwise believe in good faith that the disclosure is needed to prevent imminent physical harm, harm to property, financial loss or to report suspected illegal activity

We disclose your information to our related businesses who may use it to:

  • provide joint content, services and marketing (like registration, account management, transactions and customer support)
  • help detect and stop possible fraud and illegal acts, violations of our terms of use and data security breaches
  • offer you personalised advertising
  • guide decisions and business strategy about their products, sites, applications, services, tools and marketing communications.

We may disclose your information to third-parties:

  • third party service providers who help us provide our Services, payment processing services, assist us in providing customised advertising, help us with the prevention, detection, mitigation and investigation of potentially illegal acts, violations of our Terms of Use, fraud and/or security breaches, bill collection, affiliate and rewards programs and other business operations
  • third party financial institution partners who may offer financial products to you, for them to provide joint content and services (such as registration, transactions and customer support). These third-party financial institution partners will use your personal information to send you marketing communications only if you have requested their services
  • other third parties when you have given consent to share your information via CoolWheels
  • CoolWheels uses software to measure and analyse usage of our website.

Change of Ownership

If we were to merge with or be bought by another company, we may share information with them in accordance with our global privacy standards. The new combined entity would comply with this Privacy Notice. If your personal information is to be collected, used, disclosed or retained for any purposes not covered in this Privacy Notice, you will receive advance notice of any changes to the processing of your personal information.


We protect your information using technical and administrative security measures. Our safeguards include firewalls and data encryption, physical access controls to data centres and information access authorisation controls. If you believe your account has been abused, please contact customer service.

Important Information

Social Login

When you use social login:

  • If you sign into your social network account using the same email that you previously used to register for an account with us, you will access your existing account with us.
  • If you sign into your social network account using an email address that we don’t recognise in our systems, a new account will be created in our systems for you.

You may use social login or regular sign in each time you login into your account with us. If you use regular sign in but a password has not been issued to you (because you registered through social login) you need to get a password through the password reset flow.

When you use social login the “keep me signed in” policies of the social network provider apply. We do not control those policies. For your safety we recommend that you:

  • Don’t use social login if you are accessing our Services using a public or shared device.
  • Visit your social network provider site to learn about their sign in policies and your options.

Unwanted or Threatening Email

We do not tolerate abuse of our Services. You do not have permission to add other users to your mailing list, call or send SMS messages for commercial purposes, even if a user bought something from you, unless the user has given their explicit consent. Sending unwanted or threatening email and SMS messages is against our Terms of Use. To report spam or spoof emails please contact Customer Service. Third party privacy practices This Privacy Notice addresses only the use and disclosure of personal information we collect from you. If you disclose your information to others, or if you are directed to a third-party website, their privacy notices and practices will apply. We can’t guarantee the privacy or security of your information once you provide it to a third party. You should check the privacy and security policies of your trading partner before entering into a transaction and choosing to share your information, even when dealing with buyers or sellers on our site.

Questions or Complaints

For questions about this Privacy Notice or our privacy practices: you can reach the Global Privacy Office:

If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact us at the above site.

Private Party Terms and Conditions.

CoolWheels Private Party Terms and Conditions

These are the terms and conditions for registering and using (the "Services") to advertise motor vehicles for sale. You are only entitled to use the Services, and take advantage of the offers provided through the Services, if you are a private party advertiser as determined in accordance with these terms and conditions of which are operated by CoolWheels.


1.1 Using the Services

  1. When using any of the Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.
  2. You are responsible for all fees and charges you incur when accessing and using any of the Services. These may include the fees and charges of internet service providers, telecommunications carriers and other third parties.
  3. CoolWheels may modify these Terms & Conditions from time to time. It is your responsibility to remain familiar with these Terms & Conditions and to understand the changes. Notification of changes to these Terms & Conditions will be posted on the Services or sent via electronic mail, as CoolWheels may determine in its discretion acting reasonably. If you do not agree to any modifications, you should terminate your use of the Services. Your continued use of any of the Services now, or following the posting of notice of any changes to these Terms & Conditions, will constitute a binding acceptance by you of these Terms & Conditions, or any subsequent modifications.
  4. You may not register on behalf of anyone else and you may not allow anyone else to use your registration details to access and use any of the Services.
  5. You will maintain the security of your password. You are responsible for all activity on the Services that occur using your password including activity generated by a third party using your password with or without your permission.
  6. Fraudulent use of a credit card by you will automatically absolve CoolWheels from any liability. CoolWheels will co-operate with any law enforcement agency with respect to the fraudulent use of the credit card and provide all relevant details pertaining to Your transactions conducted on any Service. At the time of notification of the fraudulent activity, all Advertisements charged to the notified credit card will be cancelled immediately.

1.2 Privacy Policy

  1. By using any of the Services, you agree to the terms of CoolWheels Privacy Policy. You also agree that:
    1. CoolWheels cannot ensure the security or privacy of information You provide through the internet and Your email messages; and
    2. CoolWheels cannot ensure the security or privacy of information You provide through the internet and Your email messages; and
  2. Unless You tell CoolWheels otherwise, you agree that CoolWheels may send electronic mail to you, through the Services, by email or SMS or other electronic delivery platform, for the purpose of informing you about:
    1. changes or additions to products or any Service;
    2. other related or similar products and services or products and services in which you may be interested, in addition to any other matters referred to in CoolWheels Privacy Policy;
    3. the pending charge to your credit card around the time it will appear on your statement, where you have made a purchase by credit card;
    4. the pending expiry of your subscription and an offer of renewal, where you have subscribed to a Service and your subscription is nearing its expiry date; and
    5. available offers, including offers to assist you in completing your ad/subscription, where you have started completing an advertisement/ subscription application onto any of CoolWheels Services but not completed it.
  3. available offers, including offers to assist you in completing your ad/subscription, where you have started completing an advertisement/ subscription application onto any of CoolWheels Services but not completed it.

1.3 Using the Services

  1. The Services contain information that is proprietary to CoolWheels asserts full copyright protection in all elements of the Services.
  2. You acknowledge that CoolWheels retains the copyright in any artwork or text prepared by CoolWheels or any of their employees or any of the Services, and agree not to use such artwork or text for any purpose other than advertising on any Service.
  3. You warrant that all material which you provide to CoolWheels for use in an Advertisement (whether or not CoolWheels will use that material to create new artwork or text) is owned or licensed by you and that its use by CoolWheels or any third parties as permitted by CoolWheels will not breach the rights of any other person.

1.4 No Warranties

  1. The Services are distributed on an "as is" basis. CoolWheels does not warrant that the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free. There may be delays, omissions, and interruptions in the availability of the Services. To the extent permitted by law including under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), including the Australian Consumer Law, or equivalent State or Territory legislation, CoolWheels makes no warranties of any kind whatsoever regarding any Service, either express or implied.


2.1 In order to place an Advertisement, you must:

  1. be at least 18 years or over;
  2. set up an account on the relevant Service/s with CoolWheels;
  3. provide only Australian contact numbers;
  4. be a private or non-commercial advertiser;
  5. You will not be considered a private or non-commercial advertiser by CoolWheels if you:
    1. are a licensed dealer and intend to sell the car featured in your Advertisement from your dealership; or
    2. advertise for sale any car as an agent for its owner;
    3. advertise for sale more than four (6) cars within any 12-month period;
  6. complete and submit the online application form; and
  7. pay the prescribed advertising fee.

2.2 In using any Service you must:

  1. comply with the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement;
  2. provide all information for your Advertisement (including any photographs) in the form required by CoolWheels from time to time;
  3. describe the advertised car accurately;
  4. comply with any relevant CoolWheels advertising policy;
  5. if you are not the owner of any materials (for example, images or written descriptions of items) which you wish to include in your Advertisement, obtain written permission from the owner of those materials to include them in your Advertisement;
  6. if requested, provide CoolWheels with proof of ownership of the car and/or proof that the car is in Australia;
  7. remove your Advertisement if the advertised item is:
    1. sold; or
    2. withdrawn by you from sale.


3.1 Your obligations

  1. In using any Service you must not place an Advertisement:
    1. for any car:
      1. not located in Australia;
      2. that is not immediately available for sale - such as an Item which you seek to auction or rent;
      3. that you are not the owner of;
      4. that you do not have the right to sell;
    2. that includes an offer of or referral to any services, for example finance;
    3. that does not comply with all relevant laws;
    4. that infringes the intellectual property rights of any person including any company or organisation;
    5. that is illegal, fraudulent, obscene, offensive, defamatory, or in any way unsuitable for people under the age of eighteen (18) years;
    6. that is misleading or deceptive (for example by including photos or text in your Advertisement that do not match the car);
    7. that comprise anything which may adversely reflect on any Service or CoolWheels or any website on which your Advertisement is published;
    8. that includes references or links to other websites or HTML enhancement text;
    9. that offers more than one primary item in a single Advertisement; or
    10. that includes your personal contact details (landline number, mobile number and/or email address) in any comments section of the Advertisement;
  2. You must not alter or amend an Advertisement to describe or offer an item that is different to the item included in the original Advertisement.
  3. You must not submit any international contact numbers in your account information for any Service or your Advertisement.
  4. You must ensure that photographs submitted with Advertisements for publication must:
    1. be current photographs of the actual car for sale, such that the car is shown in the same condition as it is anticipated that it will be delivered to the buyer;
    2. if the car is registered include at least one image in which the registration is clearly visible;
    3. not include any images of people;
    4. not be digitally altered;
    5. not contain any watermarks;

3.2 CoolWheels rights to amend or not to publish

  1. CoolWheels is not bound to publish your Advertisement until it is approved by CoolWheels accepts your Advertisement for publication only when CoolWheels publishes your Advertisement. CoolWheels will advise you if your Advertisement is not accepted for publication.
  2. If your Advertisement contains content that CoolWheels deems inappropriate to include in an Advertisement, CoolWheels may refuse to publish your Advertisement or remove any such content from the Advertisement before or after publication.
  3. If accepted, CoolWheels will publish your Advertisement on the terms and conditions of this Agreement and with any amendments required by or authorised by these Terms and Conditions.
  4. The acceptance by CoolWheels of your Advertisement does not create any relationship of agency between you and CoolWheels.
  5. You accept and acknowledge that the acceptance of your Advertisement does not provide any representation, warranty or guarantee that your item will be sold through any Service.
  6. CoolWheels may republish your Advertisement on such other websites, search engines, applications and print or other media as determined by CoolWheels from time to time in its absolute discretion.
  7. CoolWheels may refuse to publish, withdraw or terminate the publication of your Advertisement (or any part of your Advertisement) if:
    1. CoolWheels determines, in its absolute opinion without notice, you are not entitled to place the Advertisement (for example, because you are not a private advertiser or you do not own the item being advertised); or
    2. You breach this Agreement; or
    3. You have not logged on to the administration pages of your Advertisement for more than 30 days; or
    4. CoolWheels determines, in its absolute discretion without notice, that such refusal, withdrawal or termination is appropriate.
  8. Despite anything in this Agreement, CoolWheels has absolute editorial control in relation to the publication of your Advertisement, including, but not limited to the format, position and placement of your Advertisement.
  9. CoolWheels may in its absolute discretion add to, edit or remove information within your Advertisement including without limitation the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and/or registration number.

3.3 Cancellation and Withdrawal of Advertisements

  1. Once Your Application is submitted to CoolWheels it cannot be cancelled.
  2. An Advertisement may be removed at any time after publication. Subject to clause 3.5d, all advertising fees remain payable and if paid, you will not be entitled to a refund.

3.4 Intellectual Property Rights

  1. You hereby grant to CoolWheels in respect of all copyright materials included in your Advertisement or materials otherwise submitted by you to CoolWheels, a perpetual, royalty free and irrevocable licence to use, reproduce, adapt, commercialise or otherwise utilise in any manner those materials and the Advertisement and to permit others to do the same.

3.5 Payment

  1. You must pay the advertising fee at the rate and in the manner set out in the process contained on the relevant Service.
  2. The advertising fee is payable despite the termination of this Agreement or failure to publish an Advertisement which is caused by you or which is due to your breach of these Terms and Conditions.
  3. You will not be entitled to a refund or credit if CoolWheels withdraws or terminates the publication of your Advertisement if you were not entitled to place that Advertisement or you are otherwise in breach of this Agreement.
  4. Notwithstanding the above, CoolWheels may in its discretion consider refund requests on a case by case basis.


4.1 Your Warranties You represent and warrant to CoolWheels that:

  1. You are the owner of all items included in your Advertisements and you have the right to sell those items;
  2. You are entitled to publish the Advertisement and all materials contained in the Advertisement, including text and images;
  3. You have the authority to grant to CoolWheels the licence contained in these Terms and Conditions;
  4. all contact and other details you have provided to CoolWheels are accurate; and
  5. Your use of any of the Services will comply with the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement, the law and any other requirements or directions issued by CoolWheels from time to time.

4.2 Your indemnity You indemnify CoolWheels against all actual or threatened loss, damage, actions, claims and / or demands (including the cost of defending or settling any actions, claims and demands) which may be incurred or suffered by or instituted against CAMS AU arising out of:

  1. a breach of this Agreement (including a breach of any representation or warranty contained in this Agreement) by you;
  2. any wilful, unlawful or negligent act or omission by you;
  3. the publication by CAMS AU or any other person of your Advertisement;
  4. Your use of the Services; and
  5. the sale or offering for sale of any item contained in your Advertisement.

4.3 CoolWheels Liability to You

  1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, all guarantees and implied and express warranties in respect of any goods or services provided by CoolWheels are HEREBY EXCLUDED
  2. To the fullest extent possible:
    1. Your use of any Service is your sole responsibility and you do so at your own risk;
    2. You agree not to hold CoolWheels liable for things other users of any Service post or do;
    3. All content on the Services of CoolWheels may be changed at the sole discretion of CoolWheels and without notice;
    4. CoolWheels will have no responsibility or liability in relation to any loss or damage that you incur, including damage to your software or hardware, arising from your use of or access to any Service;
    5. CoolWheels does not warrant that functions contained in any Service, such as hyperlinks, will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected or that any Service or a server that makes it available, are free of viruses or bugs;
  3. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CoolWheels will only be liable to you:
    1. Pursuant to any guarantee, right or contractual term that arises, is created or is implied by operation of law and cannot be excluded PROVIDED THAT, to the full extent permitted by law, any such liability of CoolWheels is limited, at CoolWheels option, to (A) replacing or repairing the relevant goods, (B) supplying goods equivalent to the relevant goods, (C) supplying the relevant services again or (D) paying the cost of such replacement, repairs or supply; or
    2. Subject always to clause 4.3(c)(ii) if your claim arises from or in connection with any deliberate breach of these terms and conditions or fraud by CoolWheels.
  4. To the fullest extent permitted by law, and despite clause 4.3(b), CoolWheels will not be liable to you:
    1. for claims arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the publication of your Advertisement whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence), indemnity, strict liability, breach of warranty or statute; and
    2. for loss of use, production, profit, revenue, business, data, contract or anticipated savings or for delay or for any financing costs or increase in operating costs or any economic loss for any indirect or consequential loss or damage.

4.4 Other relevant issues You indemnify CoolWheels against all actual or threatened loss, damage, actions, claims and / or demands (including the cost of defending or settling any actions, claims and demands) which may be incurred or suffered by or instituted against CoolWheels arising out of:

  1. For the purposes of this clause 4, the term CoolWheels will mean CoolWheels, its officers, employees, contractors and agents, whether individually or collectively.
  2. This clause 4 will survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.


5.1 These conditions of use and all other conditions, notices and disclaimers which appear on any Service are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Queensland.

5.2 If You do not agree with these conditions of use or any modifications to them, your only recourse is to immediately discontinue your use of the Services.

Once you have registered on any Service, you may terminate your registration and account for the Service at any time by contacting CoolWheels on 1300 266594 or “contact us” page.


Advertisement: Means an advertisement placed on a Service under these terms and conditions.

Advertiser: A person that utilises a Service to create and place an Advertisement.

Agreement: any agreement between you and CoolWheels for the publications of an Advertisement in accordance with these terms and conditions.

Package (also called on Offer): Means a combination of features that may contain one or more of the following features - Advertisement Type; Advertisement Style; a fixed cost for all defined Package components or a fixed price on a variable component e.g. $x-xx/line.

You: The person entering into this Agreement in whose name the account is conducted.

General Terms and Conditions

Requirements to use

Publication of Advertisements

Warranties & Indemnities
